NFS Lovers this year will get a chance to run around in the new NFS game franchise, and if you plan to purchase one of the new console will be able to play it on them.
Electronic Arts totally expected shortly after the announcement of Microsoft's new consoleannounced a new game in the Need for Speed franchise - Need for Speed Rivals. The game will provide players unprecedented adrenaline-charged runing around in a brand new outdoor environment.
NFS Rivals will be able to play the role of police or road runners, and each side will give players the specific challenges and rewards. Players who choose the role of a police officer will cooperate with other police officers to stop a large number of runners and earned a new, more powerful cars, but also a number of virtual prizes. Runners, on the other hand, try to remain "at liberty" as long as possible, and so the inevitable unlock new vehicles to boost your reputation and establish itself as a "big fish".
On the game works Ghost Games, formerly known as EA Gothenburg, in collaboration with Criterion Games, as well as other EA's games NFS Rivals will run DICE's Frostbite engine 3. It is interesting to note that after seven years in the franchise will return the legendary Ferrari, which fans will certainly appreciate the speed.
NFS Rivals is launching 19th November this year for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, a version of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will arrive before the end of the year, in parallel with the new consoles. More information about the game can be found on the official website.
Electronic Arts totally expected shortly after the announcement of Microsoft's new consoleannounced a new game in the Need for Speed franchise - Need for Speed Rivals. The game will provide players unprecedented adrenaline-charged runing around in a brand new outdoor environment.
NFS Rivals will be able to play the role of police or road runners, and each side will give players the specific challenges and rewards. Players who choose the role of a police officer will cooperate with other police officers to stop a large number of runners and earned a new, more powerful cars, but also a number of virtual prizes. Runners, on the other hand, try to remain "at liberty" as long as possible, and so the inevitable unlock new vehicles to boost your reputation and establish itself as a "big fish".
On the game works Ghost Games, formerly known as EA Gothenburg, in collaboration with Criterion Games, as well as other EA's games NFS Rivals will run DICE's Frostbite engine 3. It is interesting to note that after seven years in the franchise will return the legendary Ferrari, which fans will certainly appreciate the speed.
NFS Rivals is launching 19th November this year for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, a version of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will arrive before the end of the year, in parallel with the new consoles. More information about the game can be found on the official website.
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